Modular Programming in Android with MVVM (Kotlin) — Part 3
2 min readMay 7, 2020
This part provides description about each of the module and Github link.
Please find below link for Part-1 and Part-2
The below are the modules created as part of this sample project:
- MVVMLauncher — AppModule
- Common
- AppNavigator
- BottomSheet
- DaggerPractice
- MVVMDataBinding
- MVVMLogin
- MVVMNavigator
- MVVMRoom
- MVVMRxRetrofit
- RoomRepository
Description :
- MVVMLauncher — AppModule : The module is starting point of the app that displays list of items , clicking on each item will launch corresponding screen from respective module.
- Common — Contains common code that can be accessed across app like Dependency Injection, BottomSheet and toolbar.
- AppNavigator — Single point of contact for screen navigation between activities, fragments.
- Bottom Sheet — Contains code to display BottomSheet
- DaggerPractice- Contains code related to various types of Dependency injection using Dagger2
- MVVMDataBinding- Contains sample code related to DataBinding using MVVM.
- MVVMLogin- Contains sample Login screen with MVVM
- MVVMNavigator — Contains sample screens that used Navigator jetpack component
- MVVMRoom-Contains sample code that access common RoomDB depository .Contains screens for the same.
- MVVMRxRetrofit — Contains sample code demonstrating Retrofit using RXjava and Coroutines
- RoomRepository- Contains common code for RoomDB , that can be used as dependency in any module that requires access to DataBase.
GitHub Link for the Project: